My fellow south africans they is this argument that some people don’t feel the need to vote and some still believe that your vote is your voice.
When I look at the queues showed on the television in 1994 when people were so excited about going to vote for the first time and back than voting had a tangible reason (to be free from the apartheid regime) government. Since than the reason has change because we are no longer voting to be free but we are now told that voting is your voice which means if you don’t vote than you are saying nothing whereas even if you have voted your voice is heard by the ballot paper and the party you voted for and my question is “does that cross you put near the face of the party you are voting for makes a loud noise for you to be heard or voting has turned to be just a culture.

Sometimes I wonder if Nelson Mandela was given a second chance to turn back time would he have even bothered himself to fight for us to be free to have this so called democracy knowing the pain and suffering he was going to go through after what he has witness before he passed on may his soul RIP. I doubt it; looking at how the corruption is so high and those in power are so greedy and selfish am sure those who died fighting for this country hoping it will be a better place if somehow they see what’s going on they are probably crying right now.
Looking at the bright side because not everything is bad about voting now I can just say since we leave in South Africa which has democracy that was won by voting let’s continue to vote even though the passion and purpose of voting is not as the same as the one people had in 1994 the old ladies and men our grandmothers and grandfathers.

Well it is that time again and politicians are going in and out of our communities looking for that vote that will put them to Parliament and continue enjoying the benefits of being in power . This has turned to be an ongoing ruoten as we see them now will see again when they will be back to ask for that vote and leave for another five years. So truth be told politics will always be politics


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