Pro-elite community group

Greetings people of God

As we all know they are many stokfels that are floating all over the world promising people that they will get reach quickly and unfortunately most of these stokfels are not registered and everything is done online and sometimes people don't even get their money. I have taken time and researched a few and i found pro-elite community group and i decided to join and till now i dont see anything wrong woth ill just share this info on how it works and if you feel u need to know please feel free to leave a coment and ill gladly help

1. What Is PEC?

Pro Elite Community Group is a community, aimed at helping you achieve your desires by a  confidential exchange with other participants. The same name is used to define the domestic  currency of the community.
Pro Elite Community (PEC) is a 3 in 1 business opportunity. There is a Networking side, an   Investment side, and a Stokvel side.
Pro Elite Community Group is a platform where communities / Stokvel members around the  globe want to achieve one Goal and that is to be successful in life.

  2. How much is the joining fee?

The registration fee is R1300.
To be activated you need to send a certified copy of your ID and proof of residence.
Your R1300 will pay 8 people R105 each and the balance of R460 is admin fee.
This is a once off payment.
Networking side means you will recruit people to join PEC and you will receive R105 from your                 referrals and their referrals in 8 levels.
After registration you will receive 3 sms's.
One is for your login details, second is for your PEC Mastercard and wallet, and the last one is    for the banking details to pay the registration fee of R1300.

  3. Do I have to recruit?

Recruiting is not compulsory
But if you do recruit you will earn R105 for every person that joins in your group.
If you recruit 5 or more people, your R5200 Grocery Voucher will be upgraded to R20,000.

  4. When do I get my Grocery Voucher?

Upon activation you will automatically qualify for a grocery voucher of R5200.
You will receive the grocery voucher after 12 months and use it at Pick n Pay, Makro and Game.
If you recruit 5 or more people, you will qualify for a grocery voucher of R20,000.
The grocery vouchers constitute the Stokvel part of PEC.

  5. What is the Investment part of PEC?

Lastly you can also use participate in the Investment part.
You can invest any amount from R500 to R20,000 for any period up to 12 months.
However you can only Invest 5 times in the lifetime of PEC so please Invest wisely

6 Where do I add my banking details

There will be no need to provide your banking details
All earnings will be paid into your debit card
You can use your debit card to withdraw cash make payments and swipe for purchases                       


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